Crop Protection Meeting Horseheads 2025 - Sponsorship Opportunities
February 11, 2025
This workshop will address new and established agronomic pests in NYS. Strategies for managing weeds, insects and crop diseases will be presented.
Weed Control Strategies for Corn and Alfalfa -Kate Wheeler, Sr. Business Representative, BASF • ID, Epidemiology, and Management of Economically Important Diseases of Field Crops (Corn, Soybean and Wheat) -Jaime Cummings, Crop Protection Agronomist, Syngenta • What We Have Learned from Value of Manure Studies -Juan Carlos Ramos Tanchez, On-farm Research Coordinator, Cornell Nutrient Management Spear Program • Seedcorn Maggot Research Update -Janice Degni, Extension Field Crops Specialist
Credits available.
Sponsorship Description
Sponsorship to support Crop Protection Meeting