About Program

About ProgramThe South Central NY Dairy & Field Crops Program provides educational opportunities and technical assistance to help the industry with emerging issues, production bottlenecks, and new technologies. Our primary audiences are dairy and field crop producers as well as agri-service providers with secondary audiences of the media, non-farm residents and consumers. We focus on areas that will help improve farm profitability within the region since farm financial success is a key to maintaining a viable dairy and field crops industry. Our program's education helps our industry respond to both internal and external forces that help it keep pace in a rapidly changing world.

The dairy and field crops sector brings significant economic activity to the region ($411 M in milk income alone). Dollars produced from agriculture have one of the largest multiplier effects. Farms make a significant contribution to the local tax base and have been found in several cost of service studies to demand less in services than they pay in taxes compared to residences (1). Farms maintain open space which provides the community with beautiful landscapes and recreational land.

(1) Cost of Community Services Studies
American Farmland Trust; Northampton, MA: American Farmland Trust; FIC Fact Sheet and Technical Memo; page(s) 6; 2010; National; Fact Sheets and Technical Memos Cost of Community Services Studies.

Our Mission:
  • Enhance the profitability of farmers to maintain a strong regional dairy industry,
  • Create greater awareness of trends and options to help producers achieve family and business goals,
  • Maintain environmentally responsible agricultural practices, and
  • Encourage a better understanding of agriculture by the general community.
We work to help producers meet their goals and enhance dairy farm profitability to maintain a strong dairy industry in the region.

This program is supported by Cornell University and the Cornell Cooperative Extension Associations of Broome, Cayuga, Chemung, Cortland, Tioga & Tompkins Counties

The South Central New York Dairy and Field Crops is supported,
in part, by six county Cornell Cooperative Extensions including:
Broome, Cayuga, Chemung, Cortland, Tioga
and Tompkins Counties.

To visit one of these Cornell Cooperative Extension's web sites,
simply click on a county within the map.

SCNY Team County Map Cayuga County CCE Cortland County CCE Tompkins County CCE Tioga County CCE Chemung County CCE Broome County CCE

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Upcoming Events

A New Year Goal: Cultivate Success with Better Bookkeeping - A 6-week Virtual Series

January 16, 2025
January 30, 2025
February 13, 2025
February 27, 2025
March 13, 2025
March 27, 2025

New to farm bookkeeping or experienced and looking to find more efficient or effective methods? Looking to learn and compare, firsthand, various means and services? 

Then, this program is for you! 

Join us for a six-session virtual series designed to boost your knowledge 
about what bookkeeping services are available to help you excel in farm recordkeeping. 

Transition Calf Workshop - Cayuga County

March 27, 2025
Auburn, NY

Are transition calves a bottleneck in your heifer rearing program?  Want to upskill your employees to improve the calf transition period? Join regional dairy specialists and PRO-Dairy for this comprehensive, one-day, hands-on workshop! 

Who Should Attend: Calf and heifer managers, dairy herdspersons, farm owners, and heifer raisers interested in learning more about how to better house and manage animals as they transition from the calf phase to the weaned heifer phase

Topics Covered: Nutrition, Health, Housing and Inventory Management.

Registration: $25 per person (includes lunch)

Offered in English and Spanish.

Planter Clinic

March 28, 2025
Aurora, NY





USDA Contract Freezes and Terminations: Legal Action Steps for Farmers

For Farmers with Signed EQIP and CSP Contracts

This resource is written for farmers and ranchers nationwide who have a signed contract with USDA NRCS under the EQIP or CSP program for environmental improvements but have concerns that their contract is frozen, under review, or terminated, and who are uncertain of their rights to receive reimbursement as well as their ongoing obligations under the signed contract.

Version: 1.0
Issue date: Feb 28, 2025

A downloadable factsheet is available at our BUSINESS tab on the top of our webpage.

Additional Information: www.farmcommons.org

USDA Contract Freezes: Filing an NAD Appeal or Demand Letter

This resource is written for farmers and ranchers nationwide who have a signed contract with USDA NRCS under the EQIP or CSP program for environmental improvements and want more information on the mechanics of filing a National Appeals Division (NAD) appeal. This resource includes sample letters.

USDA NAD Appeal https://www.usda.gov/about-usda/general-information/staff-offices/office-hearings-and-appeals/national-appeals-division/nad-appeals

A downloadable factsheet is available at our BUSINESS heading at the top of our webpage.

ON FARM RESEARCH TRIALS 2025: Value of Manure & Power of Manure

Manure has all seventeen essential plant nutrients and can increase yield beyond what can be obtained with fertilizer only. In this project, Value of Manure, we evaluate the nitrogen fertilizer replacement value (how much N can we credit to manure?) and yield differences as a result of manure application. 
Complete Project Details: https://nydairyadmin.cce.cornell.edu/uploads/doc_1125.pdf

Manure history and field management (cover crops, crop rotation, etc.) impact soil nitrogen (N)- supplying capacity. In the project, Power of Manure, we evaluate the N supply, soil microbial biomass, and crop N uptake efficiency as a result of different manure histories, field agronomic management, and soil types.

Farm Participants Needed for Bale Grazing Grant!

Information on the Project:  
  • Approximately 10 acres total needed to bale graze two different bale densities
  • "Core" farms will graze two winters, "Demo" farms will graze one winter.
  • Payments for both "Core" farms and "Demo" farms
  • Baseline soil sampling by bale grazing team
  • Forage measurements in early season by bale grazing team
  • Late season clipping if residual not trampled down by farm
Interested farms can enroll for this winter or next.

Looking for 2-3 dairy farms to enroll! If interested, please reach out to Betsy Hicks, 607.391.2673 or bjh246@cornell.edu 

Cornell Cow Convos - New Podcast

On-going podcast, New episodes released on the last Thursday of the month.
Guest speakers, CCE Dairy Specialists.

Housed on Soundcloud Channel is CCE Dairy Educators

  • Preventative healthcare for cows
  • The trend of beef on dairy
  • What to look forward to in the new year for dairy
  • Socially grouping or pair-housing calves

2018 Drug Residue Prevention Manual

For more than 30 years, the U.S. dairy industry has focused educational efforts on the judicious use of antibiotics through the annual publication of a Best Practices Manual. The 2018 edition of the National Dairy FARM Program: Farmers Assuring Responsible Management? Milk and Dairy Beef Drug Residue Prevention Manual is the primary educational tool for dairy farm managers throughout the country on the judicious and responsible use of antibiotics, including avoidance of drug residues in milk and meat.

The manual is a quick resource to review those antibiotics approved for dairy animals and can also be used as an educational tool and resource for farm managers as they develop on-farm best management practices necessary to avoid milk and meat residues. Visit the Manual and Form Library to download copies of this important tool!

Follow us on Facebook

The team updates our facebook page frequently - follow us to be updated on our events, see some fun videos and get local area updates!


NYSERDA Agriculture Energy Audit Program

NYSERDA offers energy audits to help eligible farms and on-farm producers identify ways to save energy and money on utility bills. Reports include recommendations for energy efficiency measures.

Eligible farms include but are not limited to dairies, orchards, greenhouses, vegetables, vineyards, grain dryers, and poultry/egg. The farms must also be customers of New York State investor-owned utilities and contribute to the System Benefits Charge (SBC). Please check your farm�s current utility bills to see if your farm pays the SBC.

Energy Audit Options
You can request the level of energy audit that best fits your farm�s needs. NYSERDA will assign a Flexible Technical Assistance Program Consultant to visit your farm and perform an energy audit at no cost to you.

For more information and the NYSERDA Agriculture Energy Audit Program Application click here