
Application To Participate in Organic Dairy Replacement Study
A. Fay Benson, Small Dairy Extension Educator
South Central New York Dairy & Field Crops
We are taking applications to participate in Organic Dairy Replacement Study. The goal of the project will be to review the treatments, techniques, and costs associated with raising heifers on these farms. We will then share averages and treatments with other organic dairies in the Northeast. The information will also help with establishing the unfair advantage allowed by the USDA by not enforcing the intent of the "Origin of Livestock" rule described in the NOP.
Milking time at family dairy farms
A. Fay Benson, Small Dairy Extension Educator
South Central New York Dairy & Field Crops
Watch these videos below for a peek inside the milking routine at local family dairy farms.
Custom Machinery Rates
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Trying to figure out how much to pay or charge for custom machinery operations? Check out the 2016 custom rate summaries from Pennsylvania.
NYSERDA Agriculture Energy Audit Program - Fact Sheet
Janice Degni, Team Leader, Field Crop Specialist
South Central New York Dairy & Field Crops
NYSERDA offers energy audits to help eligible farms and on-farm producers identify ways to save energy and money on utility bills. Reports include recommendations for energy efficiency measures.
Two Paths to Organic Transition
A. Fay Benson, Small Dairy Extension Educator
South Central New York Dairy & Field Crops
Map of New York Organic Dairy Farms
A. Fay Benson, Small Dairy Extension Educator
South Central New York Dairy & Field Crops
There are over 400 organic dairy farms in the state, representing about 6% of the total number of dairy farms across New York. The requirements for being certified organic are suited to smaller dairies, so the average organic dairy in NY has less than 50 cows, and market demand for their milk is on the rise.
Webinar Series On Organic Weed Management
Janice Degni, Team Leader, Field Crop Specialist
South Central New York Dairy & Field Crops
Organic farmers and specialists from across the U.S. led a free webinar series on organic weed management. The webinars discuss several approaches and practices for managing weeds including crop rotations, cover crops, and soil management. Each session was recorded. They can be viewed here.
Variable Rate Fertility Management
Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

An expanded version of the February 2014 Ag Focus Article, Variable Rate Fertility Management.
Cover Crop InterSeeder
Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Want to plant a cover crop into standing corn or soybeans, apply a herbicide, and sidedress nitrogen all in one pass? Check out the cover crop InterSeeder developed at Penn State in this PDF. For additional information go to InterSeeder website.
PEDv: What does it mean for NY's Swine Producers?
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv) has arrived in New York with a vengeance.
Soil Sampling for Field Crops
Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Not sure how to sample your soil? Download this Cornell Agronomy Fact Sheet. More Agronomy Fact Sheets are available at the Cornell Nutrient Management Spear Program website.
Alfalfa Management Guide
Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Have a question about growing alfalfa? You will probably find the answer in "The Alfalfa Management Guide". This is a must have reference for anyone working with "the queen of forages".
Upcoming Events
A New Year Goal: Cultivate Success with Better Bookkeeping - A 6-week Virtual Series
January 16, 2025
January 30, 2025
February 13, 2025
February 27, 2025
March 13, 2025
March 27, 2025
New to farm bookkeeping or experienced and looking to find more efficient or effective methods? Looking to learn and compare, firsthand, various means and services?
Then, this program is for you!
Join us for a six-session virtual series designed to boost your knowledge
about what bookkeeping services are available to help you excel in farm recordkeeping.
Agri-Economic Development Summit
March 18, 2025 : Growing Our Future in Cortland County
Cortland, NY, NY
4 Workshops: (select 1 morning and afternoon session)
•Workshop 1 - Stress, Success & Succession
•Workshop 2 - Marketing your Ag Business
•Workshop 3 - Insurance for You and Your Business
• Workshop 4 - Business Development Resources
Program Sponsors: Tompkins County Trust, Farm Credit East & Cortland County BDC
Colostrum and Calf Technologies
March 19, 2025
Ithaca, NY
Join us for a lunch meeting with Penn State University's renowned calf specialist, Dr. Melissa Cantor. Dr. Cantor will show us new research into extended colostrum feeding both as a preventative therapy and an intervention strategy for sick calves. She will also delve into new uses of calf-hood technologies such as activity monitors, auto-feeders and the role that AI can play.
USDA Contract Freezes and Terminations: Legal Action Steps for Farmers
For Farmers with Signed EQIP and CSP ContractsThis resource is written for farmers and ranchers nationwide who have a signed contract with USDA NRCS under the EQIP or CSP program for environmental improvements but have concerns that their contract is frozen, under review, or terminated, and who are uncertain of their rights to receive reimbursement as well as their ongoing obligations under the signed contract.
Version: 1.0
Issue date: Feb 28, 2025
A downloadable factsheet is available at our BUSINESS tab on the top of our webpage.
Additional Information:
USDA Contract Freezes: Filing an NAD Appeal or Demand Letter
This resource is written for farmers and ranchers nationwide who have a signed contract with USDA NRCS under the EQIP or CSP program for environmental improvements and want more information on the mechanics of filing a National Appeals Division (NAD) appeal. This resource includes sample letters.
ON FARM RESEARCH TRIALS 2025: Value of Manure & Power of Manure
Manure has all seventeen essential plant nutrients and can increase yield beyond what can be obtained with fertilizer only. In this project, Value of Manure, we evaluate the nitrogen fertilizer replacement value (how much N can we credit to manure?) and yield differences as a result of manure application.Farm Participants Needed for Bale Grazing Grant!
Information on the Project:- Approximately 10 acres total needed to bale graze two different bale densities
- "Core" farms will graze two winters, "Demo" farms will graze one winter.
- Payments for both "Core" farms and "Demo" farms
- Baseline soil sampling by bale grazing team
- Forage measurements in early season by bale grazing team
- Late season clipping if residual not trampled down by farm
Cornell Cow Convos - New Podcast
On-going podcast, New episodes released on the last Thursday of the month.Guest speakers, CCE Dairy Specialists.
Housed on Soundcloud Channel is CCE Dairy Educators
- Preventative healthcare for cows
- The trend of beef on dairy
- What to look forward to in the new year for dairy
- Socially grouping or pair-housing calves
2018 Drug Residue Prevention Manual
For more than 30 years, the U.S. dairy industry has focused educational efforts on the judicious use of antibiotics through the annual publication of a Best Practices Manual. The 2018 edition of the National Dairy FARM Program: Farmers Assuring Responsible Management? Milk and Dairy Beef Drug Residue Prevention Manual is the primary educational tool for dairy farm managers throughout the country on the judicious and responsible use of antibiotics, including avoidance of drug residues in milk and meat.The manual is a quick resource to review those antibiotics approved for dairy animals and can also be used as an educational tool and resource for farm managers as they develop on-farm best management practices necessary to avoid milk and meat residues. Visit the Manual and Form Library to download copies of this important tool!
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NYSERDA Agriculture Energy Audit Program
NYSERDA offers energy audits to help eligible farms and on-farm producers identify ways to save energy and money on utility bills. Reports include recommendations for energy efficiency measures.For more information and the NYSERDA Agriculture Energy Audit Program Application click here