Event Details
July 29 - July 31, 2020
10:00 am
Online Event - Register at https://blogs.cornell.edu/soilhealthinitiative/virtual/agenda/#.Xx89CZ5Ki
South Central New York Dairy and Field CropsEmpire Farm Days' Virtual Soil Health Center Program
July 29 - July 31, 2020https://blogs.cornell.edu/soilhealthinitiative/virtual/agenda/#.Xx89CZ5KiUk
Click on the registration buttons below for each day you would like to attend. You will get an email confirmation with the Zoom link, and the option to add the program to your calendar. There is no charge to participate.
Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) CEU credits are available for the virtual soil health center program. Download the CCA CEU Scan in Slides to sign in for each day. Credits are only applicable to those with CCA, CPAg, CPSS, CPSC certifications. Questions can be directed to Greg Albrecht - greg.albrecht@agriculture.ny.gov
Please share this around widely with your colleagues and friends.
Greg Albrecht and Joe Lawrence also registered these workshops for CCA credits.
Each day will feature a keynote speaker with soil health expertise:
? John Wallace, assistant professor of weed science at Pennsylvania State University, will present on "cover crop interseeding: next steps of increasing adoption".
? Jennifer Moore-Kucera, Climate Initiative Director at American Farmland Trust, will present on "Linkages between soil biology and soil health: The science and new findings"
? Jean-Paul Stewart-Courtens, Roxbury Agriculture Institute, will present on "Cover cropping to improve soil and plant health on an organic vegetable farm: Reflecting on what's worked"
The Empire Farm Days' Soil Health Center also brings together innovative New York farmers who have broad experience with the successes and challenges of managing agricultural lands to improve soil health. Two farmer panels will foster conversations to help participants understand soil health practices in dairy systems and in organic vegetable and grain cropping systems.
Dairy systems panelists:
? Forrest Watson, Mulligan Farm, Avon;
?Ryan Akin, Hemdale Farms & Greenhouses, Clifton Springs; and
?Jason Burroughs, Aurora Ridge Dairy, Aurora;
Organic vegetable and grain crop panelists:
?Aaron Munzer, Plowbreak Farm, Burdette;
?Josh Jurs, Kreher Family Farms, Clarence;
?Rick Pederson, Pederson Farms, Seneca Castle; and
?Jean-Paul Stewart-Courtens, Philia Farm, Johnstown.
There will also be a special presentation on optimizing no-till planter performance for improved yields and soil health. And a live cover-crop walk where Rod Porter of King's AgriSeeds will discuss various cover crop species, their benefits and drawbacks, and tips for success.