Cover Cropping for Soil Health, Nutrient Management and Water Quality
November 14, 2013
Cover Crop Workshop and Tour 11/14/13
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Registration @ Big Flats PMC 9:15 am-9:45 am
Tour of cover crop plots and zone-builder demo 9:45 am-11:45 am
Travel to American Legion Hall (45 Olcott Rd S, Big Flats NY) 11:45 am-12:00 pm
Lunch (optional rainfall simulator demo) 12:00 pm-1:00 pm
Presenters 1:00 pm-3:30 pm
Panel discussion with PA. No-till Alliance (optional) 4:00 pm-
Dave Shearing- Consultant, CCA- Western Crop Management Association and Fisher Welles- Crop Farmer Chemung Co. (3100 acres) Discussion of benefits of zone-builder, comparisons between conventional, no-till and zone-builder on years with drought and excessive precipitation and demonstration of zone-builder.
Paul Salon- USDA-NRCS, Plant Materials Specialist- Tour of cover crop demonstration plots at Big Flats PMC, which includes a time of planting demo with over 250 plots (species, varieties or mixes); some seeded at several seeding dates.
Chris Houser- Penn State Extension, CIG grant 3-way interseeder demonstration results in corn and soybeans.
Aaron Ristow- Agriculture Coordinator, Upper Susquehanna Coalition (USC); Cover Cropping within the Chesapeake Bay TMDL Framework.
Dale Gates- USDA-NRCS, Resource Conservationist- Updated Cover Crop Specification for New York.
Quirine Ketterings- Cornell University Dept. of Animal Science, Associate Professor, Nutrient Management Spear Program; Winter-Forage Small Grains to Boost Feed Supply: From Cover Crop to Double Crop, results from 2013 trials.
Charlie White- Extension Specialist, Penn State University, Cover crop mixtures: How many species and in what combination to achieve desired goals.
Dave Mclaughlin- Vice President PA No-Till Alliance, (Dairy and Crop Farmer, Perry Co., Pa.), and Jim Hershey- President and founding member of PA No-Till Alliance (Raises hogs, broilers and crops in Lancaster County, PA) and Joel Meyers (Crop Farmer, Centre Co. Pa., no-till and soil health consultant, and former State Agronomist USDA-NRCS), Introduction to the Alliance, how to form and maintain farmer networks.
Panel Discussion with Dave Mclaughlin, Jim Hershey, and Joel Meyers of the PA. No-till Alliance.
4.0 CCA credits available