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January 2016

Keepin' Em Comfy

January 11, 2016
Registration 10 am; Program 10:30-2:30 pm
Ithaca, NY

A Workshop on Cow Comfort, Dairy Handling and Public Perception will be offered to educate farmers and farm managers on understanding cow behavior and how to use it on farm, understanding bottlenecks on your own operation, and talking to the public about dairy farm practices.

Manure Storage Workshop

January 12, 2016
9:15am - 3:15pm
Cuyler, NY

The SCNY Dairy & Field Crops Team, PRO-DAIRY and Cortland County Soil & Water Conservation District are co-sponsoring this workshop.

  • Review Whey Street Dairy Concerns
  • Storage Issues 
  • Manure Covers
  • Satellite Storages
  • Labor Requirements
  • Custom Operators
  • Managing Manure Storage
  • Liners
  • Environmental Issues
  • CAFO Permit
  • Winter Spreading
  • Tile Discharges
  • Solid Separation
  • Bedding
  • Odor
  • Safety (Gypsum)
  • Application Systems
  • Manure Transfer
  • Funding Sources
  • Optional Tour of Whey Street Dairy
Cost: $15
Register: Register online or call Jen Atkinson at 607.391.2660 Ext. 403 or email
Questions: Call Janice Degni at 607.391.2660 Ext. 414 or email

New York Certified Organice (NYCO) - 2016

January 12 - March 8, 2016
January 12, 2016, February 9, 2016 & March 8, 2016 - Program at 10:00am
Geneva, NY

  • January 12, 2016 - Organic Crop Management through Good Years and Bad
    • What to do when the cultivating window doesn't open very wide
    • Effects of long-term management on weed competition in organic soybean
    • Reducing Pasture Compaction with Daikon Radish
    • Discussion: "What do you want to make per acre on your farm?"
  • February 9, 2016 - Managing Soil Health with Crop Rotations and Forage Production
    • Putting Soil Health Knowledge into Practice
    • Alternative Forage Rotations to Protect the Soil on Marginal Land
    • Discussion: Farmer Panel on how to decide whether to sell forages to dairy farmers or plow them in for a green manure.
  • March 8, 2016 
    • Developing New Markets for Organic Grain
    • What's transpiring in the World Market of Grain
    • Flax Grain - Production and Uses
    • Discussion: New or Undeserved Markets in the Northeast

There is no cost for the programs and pre-registration is not required. Participants are asked to bring a dish to pass for potluck lunch. For more information contact Fay Benson, CCE Cortland at 607.391.2660 Ext. 410 or email

Cortland Area Dairy Managers Discussion Group

January 21, 2016
Cortland, NY

This is the first meeting of our Discussion Group for 2016.  Collin McCarthy will be leading the discussion around key areas to focus on as a manager.  We will have food and refreshments! Feel free to bring someone you think would be a good addition to our group!  Please RSVP to Betsy, CCE Dairy Specialist at 607.391.2660 Ext. 415 or email  Save the date for 2/18 and 3/14 for future meetings.  

Annie's Project - Empowering Women in Agriculture

January 26 - March 22, 2016
Jan 26, Feb 9 & 23, Mar 8 & 22 (snowdate Mar 15) 10:30am - 2:00pm

A 5 week workshop series for farm women

Jan 26, Feb 9 & 23, Mar 8 & 22 with snowdate Mar 15
10:30 am-2:30 pm

Choose your Location: CCE Broome or Cayuga Counties, LaFayette Christian & Missionary Alliance Church, Lafayette; & Dryden Fire Hall

Cost for all Session: $100 

Includes: 15 hours of instruction, meals and course materials.

2016 Winter Crop Meeting

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 29, 2016
9:30am - 3:00pm
Ithaca, NY

2016 Winter Crop Meeting to be held Friday, January 29, 2016 from 9:30am-3:00pm at the Ramada Ithaca Hotel and Conference Center, 2310 N. Triphammer Rd., Ithaca, NY.  This year's program features Jim Harbach, Schrack Farms, a no-till farmer from Central Pennsylvania.  He farms 2000 acres with no-till for his 1000 cow dairy.  John Kemmeren, a more local farm from Bainbridge, NY is also experienced with no-till on a variety of soil types and will share his techniques. 

2016 Winter Crop Meeting

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 29, 2016
9:30am - 3:00pm
Ithaca, NY

2016 Winter Crop Meeting to be held Friday, January 29, 2016 from 9:30am-3:00pm at the Ramada Ithaca Hotel and Conference Center, 2310 N. Triphammer Rd., Ithaca, NY.  This year's program features Jim Harbach, Schrack Farms, a no-till farmer from Central Pennsylvania.  He farms 2000 acres with no-till for his 1000 cow dairy.  John Kemmeren, a more local farm from Bainbridge, NY is also experienced with no-till on a variety of soil types and will share his techniques. 

February 2016

Organic Dairy & Crop Producer's Discussion Group Meeting

February 16, 2016
11:00am - 2:30pm
McLean, NY

Let's get together and discuss cropping plans & options for the next season. Thor Oechsner, will kick off the meeting with a presentation of Attempts in Reduced Tillage in Organic Grain Farming. A second presentation will demonstrate his Practices to Produce and Market Buckwheat.

Thor, as many of you know, farms 1200 acres  of corn , food grade small grains and hay in rotation on his hill farm in Newfield, south of Ithaca. He also is an owner of Farmer Ground Flour in Trumansburg which produces organic artisan grains and flours grown from his and other area farms. These go to markets all over NY and New England. He also co-owns Wide Awake Bakery which use a bread CSA model to market wood fired loaves and pastries using flour from his mill to the Ithaca area. Our conversation will be fueled by a delicious hot lunch. Looking forward to seeing you and having a lively discussion.

The cost is $10 each or $15 for 2 people from the same farm.  Register online or by calling Jen Atkinson at 391-2660 Ext. 403 or email

Broome-Tioga-Chemung Farmers Discussion Group Meeting

February 17, 2016
1-3 pm
Owego, NY

Our speaker Betsey Howland will lead us through a group discussion on managing through low milk prices and preparing for the next high cycle. Please RSVP to Jen Atkinson at 607.391.2660 Txt. 403 or email For questions contact Betsy Hicks at 607.391.2660 Ext. 415 or email

Cortland Area Dairy Managers Discussion Group

February 18, 2016
Cortland, NY

Tom Maloney will be leading the discussion regarding employee handbooks and job descriptions.  We will have food and refreshments! Feel free to bring someone you think would be a good addition to our group!  Please RSVP to Betsy, CCE Dairy Specialist at 607.391.2660 Ext. 415 or email  Save the date 3/14 for our future meeting.  

2016 Milk Outlook: How Things Are Flowing

February 18, 2016
Registration 6 pm, Program 6:30-8pm
Cortland, NY

Guest Speaker Andy Novakovic, the E.V. Baker Professor of Agricultural Economics at Cornell University will be addressing the group on topics including
Market Outlook
Patterns in Milk Production Growth
Trends in Dairy Food Consumption
and will also be available to answer questions after his presentation.

March 2016

Winter Dairy Management

March 1, 2016
10-3 pm
Binghamton, NY

2016 Winter Dairy Management will focus around Transition Cows, including Nutrition, Animal Behavior Considerations and Cow-side Care and Decision Making.  

Corn & Soybean Update

March 3, 2016
10:00am - 3:00pm
Binghamton, NY

The SCNY Dairy & Field Crops Team and Page Seeds are co-sponsoring this event which will be held on Thursday March 3, 2016 from 10:00am to 3:00pm at CCE Broome County, 840 Upper Front St., Binghamton, NY.  Topics will include: Developing Corn Hybrids w/ Performance for the Northeast, Benefits of Inoculants in Forage and Grain Production, Herbicides for Reduced Tillage & Cover Crops and Soybean Update.  Cost of the workshop TBA.  DEC Credits in Application  Register online or call Jen Atkinson at 607.391.2660 Ext. 403 or email  For questions, call Janice Degni at 607.391.2660 Ext. 414 or email

Cortland Area Dairy Managers Discussion Group

March 17, 2016
Cortland, NY

This is the 3rd meeting for our Discussion Group.  Our presenters will be Dan Welch and Kim Fortin from NYFarmNet. They will be discussing Farm Succession and Communication.  We will have food and refreshments! Please RSVP to Betsy, CCE Dairy Specialist at 607.391.2660 Ext. 415 or email  

Pesticide Applicator Training

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 18, 2016
Binghamton, NY

Pesticide Applicator Training - CCE Broome County, 840 Upper Front St., Binghamton

  • Instruction Class - March 18, 2016 - 12:30-3:30pm
  • Exam - April 1, 2016 - 12:30-3:30pm
  • Cost - $25/Instruction Class
3 DEC Re-Certification Credits Available

**Manuals available at an additional cost and MUST BE ORDERED BY MARCH 11, 2016 to ensure that they will be received before the class date. Manuals needed: Core Manual and Field and Forage (21).

Register online or call Jen Atkinson at 607.391.2660 Ext. 403 or email

Order Manuals online at or call Jen Atkinson at 607.391.2660 Ext. 403 or email 

Contact Janice Degni at 607.391.2660 Ext. 414 or email with questions.

Broome-Tioga-Chemung Farmers Discussion Group Meeting

March 23, 2016
1-3 pm
Owego, NY

Pro Dairy's Robert Lynch will be our featured speaker.  Please RSVP to Jen Atkinson at 607.391.2660 Ext. 403 or email For questions contact Betsy Hicks at 607.391.2660 Ext. 415 or email

Feeder School: Hands-On Training for Feeders on Dairy Farms

March 24, 2016
Registration 10:00am, Program 10:30am-2:30pm
Ithaca, NY

  • Feeder Basics
  • Economic Impacts of Feeding
  • Communication of Feed Manager w/ Owner/Herd Manager/Nutritionist
  • Dry matter:  what it is and why it matters, including Feeder Math
  • Feed Bunk scoring - causes of intake fluctuations, adjusting consequent feedings
  • Bunk Face maintenance, sampling techniques
  • Strategies to minimize shrink, including pre-batching grain
  • Feeder Safety 
Sponsors: Lallemand, Diamond V

Intended Audience: Feeders who are looking for a refresher on some of the basics of feeding management or those who are new to the position.

Cost:    $25 per person pre-reg by 3/22, $30 at door

Register online or call Jen Atkinson at 607.391.2660 Ext. 403 or email For questions, call Betsy Hicks at 607.391.2660 Ext. 415 or email

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Upcoming Events

A New Year Goal: Cultivate Success with Better Bookkeeping - A 6-week Virtual Series

January 16, 2025
January 30, 2025
February 13, 2025
February 27, 2025
March 13, 2025
March 27, 2025

New to farm bookkeeping or experienced and looking to find more efficient or effective methods? Looking to learn and compare, firsthand, various means and services? 

Then, this program is for you! 

Join us for a six-session virtual series designed to boost your knowledge 
about what bookkeeping services are available to help you excel in farm recordkeeping. 

Agri-Economic Development Summit

March 18, 2025 : Growing Our Future in Cortland County
Cortland, NY, NY

4 Workshops:  (select 1 morning and afternoon session)
•Workshop 1 - Stress, Success & Succession
•Workshop 2 - Marketing your Ag Business
•Workshop 3 - Insurance for You and Your Business
• Workshop 4 - Business Development Resources


Program Sponsors: Tompkins County Trust, Farm Credit East & Cortland County BDC

Colostrum and Calf Technologies

March 19, 2025
Ithaca, NY

Join us for a lunch meeting with Penn State University's renowned calf specialist, Dr. Melissa Cantor.  Dr. Cantor will show us new research into extended colostrum feeding both as a preventative therapy and an intervention strategy for sick calves.  She will also delve into new uses of calf-hood technologies such as activity monitors, auto-feeders and the role that AI can play. 


USDA Contract Freezes and Terminations: Legal Action Steps for Farmers

For Farmers with Signed EQIP and CSP Contracts

This resource is written for farmers and ranchers nationwide who have a signed contract with USDA NRCS under the EQIP or CSP program for environmental improvements but have concerns that their contract is frozen, under review, or terminated, and who are uncertain of their rights to receive reimbursement as well as their ongoing obligations under the signed contract.

Version: 1.0
Issue date: Feb 28, 2025

A downloadable factsheet is available at our BUSINESS tab on the top of our webpage.

Additional Information:

USDA Contract Freezes: Filing an NAD Appeal or Demand Letter

This resource is written for farmers and ranchers nationwide who have a signed contract with USDA NRCS under the EQIP or CSP program for environmental improvements and want more information on the mechanics of filing a National Appeals Division (NAD) appeal. This resource includes sample letters.


A downloadable factsheet is available at our BUSINESS heading at the top of our webpage.

ON FARM RESEARCH TRIALS 2025: Value of Manure & Power of Manure

Manure has all seventeen essential plant nutrients and can increase yield beyond what can be obtained with fertilizer only. In this project, Value of Manure, we evaluate the nitrogen fertilizer replacement value (how much N can we credit to manure?) and yield differences as a result of manure application. 
Complete Project Details:

Manure history and field management (cover crops, crop rotation, etc.) impact soil nitrogen (N)- supplying capacity. In the project, Power of Manure, we evaluate the N supply, soil microbial biomass, and crop N uptake efficiency as a result of different manure histories, field agronomic management, and soil types.

Farm Participants Needed for Bale Grazing Grant!

Information on the Project:  
  • Approximately 10 acres total needed to bale graze two different bale densities
  • "Core" farms will graze two winters, "Demo" farms will graze one winter.
  • Payments for both "Core" farms and "Demo" farms
  • Baseline soil sampling by bale grazing team
  • Forage measurements in early season by bale grazing team
  • Late season clipping if residual not trampled down by farm
Interested farms can enroll for this winter or next.

Looking for 2-3 dairy farms to enroll! If interested, please reach out to Betsy Hicks, 607.391.2673 or 

Cornell Cow Convos - New Podcast

On-going podcast, New episodes released on the last Thursday of the month.
Guest speakers, CCE Dairy Specialists.

Housed on Soundcloud Channel is CCE Dairy Educators

  • Preventative healthcare for cows
  • The trend of beef on dairy
  • What to look forward to in the new year for dairy
  • Socially grouping or pair-housing calves

2018 Drug Residue Prevention Manual

For more than 30 years, the U.S. dairy industry has focused educational efforts on the judicious use of antibiotics through the annual publication of a Best Practices Manual. The 2018 edition of the National Dairy FARM Program: Farmers Assuring Responsible Management? Milk and Dairy Beef Drug Residue Prevention Manual is the primary educational tool for dairy farm managers throughout the country on the judicious and responsible use of antibiotics, including avoidance of drug residues in milk and meat.

The manual is a quick resource to review those antibiotics approved for dairy animals and can also be used as an educational tool and resource for farm managers as they develop on-farm best management practices necessary to avoid milk and meat residues. Visit the Manual and Form Library to download copies of this important tool!

Follow us on Facebook

The team updates our facebook page frequently - follow us to be updated on our events, see some fun videos and get local area updates!

NYSERDA Agriculture Energy Audit Program

NYSERDA offers energy audits to help eligible farms and on-farm producers identify ways to save energy and money on utility bills. Reports include recommendations for energy efficiency measures.

Eligible farms include but are not limited to dairies, orchards, greenhouses, vegetables, vineyards, grain dryers, and poultry/egg. The farms must also be customers of New York State investor-owned utilities and contribute to the System Benefits Charge (SBC). Please check your farm’s current utility bills to see if your farm pays the SBC.

Energy Audit Options
You can request the level of energy audit that best fits your farm’s needs. NYSERDA will assign a Flexible Technical Assistance Program Consultant to visit your farm and perform an energy audit at no cost to you.

For more information and the NYSERDA Agriculture Energy Audit Program Application click here